
Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Health Model Explanation- The Fonofale

The health model is The Fonofale. The culture it represents is a well-known country,
Samoa. The key features of The Fonofale include friends, families, relationships,
social support, the community and it involves a lot of compassion and care.
I personally don't know how it applies to my well-being but I know that for other
people itÅ› already been applied to them because The Fonofale is based on
social well-being. For example, socializing and communicating with peers
will enhance your social well-being positively. 

Monday, 6 May 2019

Maze Game and Flappy Game

Level 1- Maze Game

Our focus for this term is coding and gaming. We are learning how to code and create a game for ourselves.

The first game we had to code was called "Maze Game". The presentation above shows you what I have been doing to get the angry bird to collect all of its . For level one I had to try and get the angry bird to collect all of the green pigs. The first block was "When run" I had to put blocks so the bird would move and collect the pig. The blocks I used were "Move forward 2x". It was easy to code the first few levels but as the levels got higher the harder it was to complete.

Level 2- Flappy Bird

The second game we had to code was called "Flappy Bird". It was similar to the first game we had to code. There were all types of blocks the game gave me blocks to use such as "End game", "Flap", "Set score", and it gave me other blocks to use throughout the game as well. The aim of the game was trying to get the bird through the obstacles to try and reach the end. What I got from this game was that you can get there in the end by using all kinds of strategies. 

Monday, 18 February 2019

Making hot cakes, Food Tech

Yesterday at food tech we made some hot cakes. It was pretty easy to make.
I enjoyed making it but even though it looks burnt it still taste delicious.
I would definitely make this again. Down below is our outcome.